In Japan Soba is definitely one of the most famous diet and quite popular among all the ages, regardless of gender.
Originally, Soba was local cuisine of Tokyo area or Northern part of Japan (Tohoku region) but now its popularity has spread out through the whole land of Japan.Soba (buckwheat) is high in nutrients, known for its low calorie and high level of proteins.
For comparison, Soba contains 13% while Rice contains 6% and Flour contains 8% of proteins. Soba also contain important amino acids, almost the same level as that in milk (ratio for comparison -> milk 100: soba 92). One of the reason why soba contain so much nutrients compared to rice is because in the process of making soba powder, the soba wheat (buckwheat) is used 100% keeping the nutrition intact, whereas in processing rice of flour, most of polishing work (for white rice and white flour) has taken away the nutrients in the germ.
How do Japanese eat Soba?

Here is an example of my favorite place to eat Soba - in the summer time, i love to have cold soba with the sauce, and the side dish will be tempura or sweet fried eggs (Recipes for sweet fried eggs coming soon!)
In the winter time, i recommend warm soba soup, with slices of Welsh onions for toppings.
Whenever I go out for lunch during weekdays, it is always Soba restaurants. I do not mind having it every day! I like it to be cold in Summer time, warm in Winter time. Soba is usually planted in the barren land but it picks up minerals from even the poorest soil. And it grows much faster than rice which saved desperate farmers when drought spoiled rice harvest. Farmers quickly sowed soba seeds quickly just before Winter and they can still harvest it on time. Isn't it amazing?