Friday, January 30, 2009

Banana Goodies

Who doesn't want to look good, everybody does.    Some of the best methods known are to eat well and to do regular exercise.   Yes, that works well for some people but not always easy to continue.   Some choose to go on a diet.   In Japan diet is popular among women of all ages.   Here there are various diet programs, such as taking supplements (multiminerals/vitamins), drinks (tea, diet-formula milk), using gel/cream (for massage) or cutting down calories intake (in other words eat less).

Whatever they are, diet is not a fun thing to do.    However, there is a new diet program which is easy to do and proven to work :
It is called "asa banana diet" meaning eat banana for your morning breakfast (instead of bread & butter or those greasy fried egg, bacon or sausages).    It worked for me!

This diet program makes sense, since banana has good enough nutrients to start the day.   
Check out Banana nutrients content here:

Banana juice for breakfast... not bad at all!   I know an "easy to make" banana juice that is really good for health and your tastebuds :

Not The Ordinary Kinds?

Skycar from

From the traditional to the modern...
This minicar can run 100km on electric power alone, best of all you can recharge the power at home using an ordinary electric power supply.  (Note: 6 hours of power recharging required for 100km run)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Soba Is Better Than Rice or Flour

In Japan Soba is definitely one of the most famous diet and quite popular among all the ages, regardless of gender.

Originally, Soba was local cuisine of Tokyo area or Northern part of Japan (Tohoku region) but now its popularity has spread out through the whole land of Japan.Soba (buckwheat) is high in nutrients, known for its low calorie and high level of proteins.   

For comparison, Soba contains 13% while Rice contains 6% and Flour contains 8% of proteins.   Soba also contain important amino acids, almost the same level as that in milk (ratio for comparison -> milk 100: soba 92).   One of the reason why soba contain so much nutrients compared to rice is because in the process of making soba powder, the soba wheat (buckwheat) is used 100% keeping the nutrition intact, whereas in processing rice of flour, most of polishing work (for white rice and white flour) has taken away the nutrients in the germ.

How do Japanese eat Soba?  

Here is an example of my favorite place to eat Soba - in the summer time, i love to have cold soba with the sauce, and the side dish will be tempura or sweet fried eggs (Recipes for sweet fried eggs coming soon!)

In the winter time, i recommend warm soba soup, with slices of Welsh onions for toppings. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Check Out This New Instrument

Can you guess what is this instrument here? (See photo on the left or watch the video)  

And, what is it made of?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Story of Friendship & Humor

A children story about friendship between a Frog and a Toad.   I found it very touching and at the same time funny. I am glad I read this story for my child and myself.

Title: The Surprise, by Arnold Lobel

It was October.  The leaves had fallen off the trees.  They were lying on the ground.   Frog said "I will go to Toad's house".   "I will rake all of the leaves that have fallen on his lawn.  Toad will be surprised".   Frog took a rake out of the garden shed.   

Toad looked out of his window.  "These messy leaves have covered everything," said Toad.  He took a rake out of the chest.  "I will run over to Frog's house.  I will rake all of his leaves, Frog will be pleased".

Frog ran through the woods so that Toad would not see him.
Toad ran through the high grass so that Frog would not see him.

Frog came to Toad's house.  He looked in the window.  "Good, " said Frog. "Toad is out.  He will never know who raked his leaves."

Toad got to Frog's house.  He looked in the window.  "Good," said Toad.  "Frog is not home.  He will never guess who raked his leaves."

Both Frog and Toad worked hard.  They raked the leaves into a pile.  Soon Toad's lawn was clean, so Frog picked up his rake and started home.

Toad having left not a single leaf in Frog's front yard, he took his rake and started home.

BUT....A wind came.  It blew across the land.   The pile of leaves that Frog had raked for Toad blew everywhere.  The pile of leaves that Toad had raked for Frog blew everywhere.

When Frog got home, he said, "Tomorrow I will clean up the leaves that are all over my own lawn.   How suprised Toad must be!"
When Toad got home, he said, "Tomorrow I will get to work and rake all of my own leaves.  How surprised Frog must be!"

That night Frog and Toad were both happy when they each turned out the light and went to bed. 

It reminds us of the good feelings we have when we do something nice to others and the warmth of friendship we have in sharing the humors of life.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Born In Year of OX?

The Chinese believe that the ox is a symbol of prosperity.    Those born in the Year of OX are considered natural leaders, dependable, patient and tireless.  They are steadfast in their resolve once they set their mind into something, and very logical.

Well, if you think these beliefs are wrong, here are some example of those well known people born in the year of OX:

Politicians: Napoleon Bonaparte, Margarte Thatcher, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein...  AND Barrack Obama!

Actors/actresses: George Clooney, Richard Gere, Charlie Chaplin, Jack Nicholson, Bill Cosby, Meg Ryan, Meryl Streep....AND Princess Diana!

Musicians: Vincent Van Gogh, Johann Sebastian Bach, Picasso, Bruce Springsteen

... and perhaps many others.   

Chinese New Year - OX

About one fourth of the world celebrates the Lunar New Year of Ox.   A quick tour around the world looking at the celebration of Chinese New Year:

Firecracker Ceremony and Cultural Festival in Chatham Square on Monday, January 26, 2009.  
Lunar New Year parade on February 1, 2009, starting noon from Canal Street South, winding throughout Mott, Canal and Bayard st. and along East Broadway.

The 110th Annual Golden Dragon Parade on January 31, from 2pm-4pm along Broadway and Hill Streets, involving over 100 floats, bands, marching bands in various costumes with Chinatown roots.

Chinese people gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Moscow to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year on January 18th 2009 with the Chinese Ambassador pledging to further promote China-Russia ties.    Chinese Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a day for family reunion and traditional celebrations for those Chinese in Russia. 

Chinese New Year Parade on January 26th 2009, from 8pm to 9:30pm, where spectators can buy seats for $180 - $400 if they can sit and watch the celebration at the HK Cultural Centre

Nagasaki Shinchi Chukagai has Lantern Festival from 26th January to 9th February.  
Yokohama Yamashita-cho Park has Dragon Parade 26th January from 16:00 and Traditional Dance & Other Cultural Performances on January 27th, 28th and 31st at 14:00 and 15:40

Sydney celebrates with the Dragon Parade on January 23rd, from 6pm to 8pm at Belmore Park.   Also a Chinese New Year Twilight  Parade on February 1st, at Town Hall followed by fireworks at Cockle Bay.   From January 23 to January 25 there will be Chinese New Year Markets at Belmore Park as well.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Valentine Day

It is about three weeks before Valentine Day but in Japan you can feel the atmosphere of this day coming, just as you walk in the city, department stores, grocery stores, you will find these beautifully wrapped boxes of chocolates on display.    Unlike in other countries, where Valentine Day is considered to be a day for expressing love, giving gifts to your loved ones, from man to woman or vice versa, in Japan Valentine Day is the day for women to give a box of chocolates to their loved ones.....  well, not only that! actually in Japan we have what we call "giri chocolates" (= obligation chocolates) on Valentine Day.    

On Japanese Valentine Day women are obligated to the custom of giving chocolates to male colleaques, subordinates or seniors.   Some women do not like the custom, but if they do not give, they may be considered unfriendly, or even worse they could get discriminated by their male colleaques or seniors for being considered stingy or cold.

A few weeks after Valentine Day, Japanese have the White Day (March 14th), where the men are obliged to return the Valentine gesture, by giving the ladies a gift.    The gift can be anything but normally the value should be equivalent to what he received.   At work it is also a custom for these men to pool the money together and buy one gift that represents their gratitude.

For couples Valentine day sometimes involves more than just the gift giving.   They spend time together dining, staying in a hotel, watching a movie....  nevertheles this is the day when woman is the one in charge of giving gifts to the man, not the other way around.    

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Love is patient
Love is kind
It does not envy,
 it does not boast,
  it is not proud.
It is not rude,
  it is not self-seeking,
   it is not easily angered,
     it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.

With thanks to Mom 

Looks Familiar?

Well, he looks familar but he is certainly not going to sit in the White House.  His name is Ilham Anas (35 years old), an Indonesian who looks like the US President Elected, Barack Obama.

His looks got him a job in the advertising world in Manila (Phillipine).   Watch his ad on youtube:

With thanks to Daniel!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Claude Monet & Ukiyo-e

These are some Ukiyo-e paintings that has captured Claude Monet attention in the past.  Monet's collection of Ukiyo-e paintings  are kept in his home in Giverny.

Left: Akafuji (= The Red Mt Fuji) by Katsushika Hokusai

Bijin Ju-ni-so (= 12 Beautiful Woman) by Kitakawa Utamaro
This is one of the 12 paintings of beautiful woman by Kitakawa Utamaro.   

Oohashi Atake no Yudachi 
(= The Bridge In
 the Rain) by Utakawa Hiroshige

Painted during the Edo Era, the background was a river called Ookawa in the Hamamachi area (now, known as Nihonbashi Hamamachi)

Marry or Not

A research poll showed that the young Japanese are not confident about the future economy of Japan, especially about the retirement plan managed by the Government.   As a result the trend of the last decade showed that many young Japanese did not get married at very young age since they try to save money first and also the women do not want to marry men who do not have enough money to live up to their expectation.    

The trend also shows an increasing number of "married by accident" cases, where the marriage has to take place because the woman gets pregnant.    The later is common among those in the 20s.  Whereas  young Japanese who are working tend to get married in their late 30s.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Love Shuffle

 Young Japanese are bored with the common love stories, affairs and the ordinary kind of drama.
Love Shuffle is the title of a new drama series in Japan that has received a lot of attention after its first debut, on January 16th.   The story is about 4 men, high profile professionals living in the same building of a luxurious apartment, who one day decided to play a life game by exchanging their partner once a week.   The theme, being fresh, new and a little extraordinary seemed to have appealed the young adults. 
TBS the producer of this drama has also promoted related goods such as accessories, fashionable clothes that used in the drama.   The audience who watch the drama, can not relate to their own experience in shuffling their lovers but they get to buy the products worn by these cool ladies and gentlemen on TV? This is dramatic.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yam Is Nutritious

Chinese Yam (left), a well known vegetable in Japan and Taiwan is known for its high nutrition level.    From long time ago, slimy vegetables such as yam, okra and fish such as eel and loach are known to contain a substance that improve absorption of protein by the body, therefore becomes an extra nourishment for the body.   During the Edo era (1600s) yam soup was a common dish used to strengthen stomach during illness and to maintain body strength during severe weather in the summer or winter.   Check out for recipes on yam.

There are many types of yam, taro yam (round and brown), chinese yam (long and white), all yams contains almost the same level of nutrition and has the same effect on health.   The effectiveness is so well known that it is used in many herbal medicine for stomach medicine, cough medicine and even diabetes.

Photo: Taro Yam 

Caution: when handling yam with bare hands, make sure you wash your hands clean afterwards, as its slimy substance can cause itchiness or iritation on sensitive skin.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Manga - To Write

Manga (comics) is now popular not only in Japan but overseas.   Here in Japan manga is read not only by teenagers but salarymen.  The word "manga" was originally introduced in 1798 on a picture book where its original meaning was "to write as your heart tells you" and in the Meiji era (1814) the word "manga" blends with the entry of foreign words "comics" and "cartoon" and since then the meaning evolved to what it means now.

The success of manga locally and internationally has brought a lot of attention to people here, that writing a manga takes you to a market beyond Japan - if you are successful.    To success you need to practice and here online there is a kit available for you to practice writing manga. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sate (Yakitori) Untuk Diet?

Berasal dari daerah Fukushima sebuah lagu yang bertema Yakitori menjadi populer dan telah terjual lebih dari  400,000 CD, dengan judul "Yakitori Ojiisan" , yang kalau di terjemahkan ke Bahasa berarti Tukang Jual Sate".    Lagu ini diciptakan dengan tema Yakitori karena target pendengarnya adalah pemuda dan pekerja di Jepang yang saat ini sedang mengalami resesi.   
Walaupun uang Yen lebih stabil dibandingkan valuta asing seperti US Dollar, sudah 10 tahun ini perekonomian di Jepang belum juga bangkit dari resesi.   Menurut data riset, terutama para pemuda dan pegawai kantor merasa bahwa ekonomi akan lebih buruk di masa mendatang.   Persepsi ini mengakibatkan para pemuda lebih segan untuk mengeluarkan uang, dan cenderung untuk menyimpan uang di tabungan demi masa mendatang.
Yakitori adalah makanan yang murah meriah dan dari jaman dulu dikenal di Jepang sebagai makanan para pegawai kantor yang tidak bergaji tinggi dan makanan yang digemari para pemuda di sini.    Lagu ini dipromosikan dengan tujuan supaya pemuda dan pekerja di daerah Fukushima bangkit dari persepsi negatif terhadap ekonomi dan lagu yang lucu dengan ritmik dangdut ini bisa membuat mereka tertawa dan menjalani masa-masa sulit dengan besar hati.
Setelah menjadi hit di daerah Fukushima, seorang wanita, pelajar Universitas yang drop-out menggunakan lagu ini untuk lagu joget.    Semula hanya merupakan joget biasa tetapi pelajar tersebut mempromosikan lagu dan joget tersebut ke teman-teman dan lagu joget tersebut menjadi populer dan akhirnya terkenal sebagai lagu joget yang efektif untuk diet.    Pelajar wanita tersebut mengungkapkan bukti nyata bahwa dalam waktu setengah tahun berat badannya turun 10 kilogram setelah mengenal lagu Yakitori Ojisan dan berjoget tiap hari setiap mendengar lagu tersebut.
Ide seperti ini sangat jarang dan kesuksesan lagu tersebut adalah bukti bahwa dalam masa resesi masih ada kesempatan untuk sukses.   Yang penting bagi pemuda dan pelajar jaman sekarang adalah mencari kesempatan tersebut dengan pemikiran yang selalu kreatif, positif dan pantang mundur.

Untuk yang tertarik mau mendengar lagu Tukang Jual Sate & berjoget besama: