There is an old saying that "an apple a day keeps your doctor away". In Japan it is not only apple but strawberry is known to have positive effect on our body.
Strawberry contains vitamin C, which we all know it is good for skin, anti ageing and helps the body fight against virus. Not only that, strawberry's red color contains Antoshianin, which has positive effect on the function of your eyes, liver and reduces the chance of having high blood pressure. Strawberry also contains Pectin which helps to activate digestion in the stomach.
The good news is it doesn't take much to be a little healthier. 8 strawberries apparently gives you enough daily supplement of vitamin C, 3 strawberries for children.
Do not take the green stem prior to washing strawberries, keep it attached. Or it will wash away the vitamin C in the strawberry to some extent. Take the green stem after you wash the strawberry.
When eating strawberries, make sure you do eat those pesticide free ones (i.e. organic strawberries) as we eat strawberry as whole and strawberry easily absorb pesticide through its thin skin.
Just make sure you find pesticide free strawberry (i.e. organic strawberry). Pesticide usage has been very common in strawberry farming. Even though you rinse strawberry before you eat it, it easily absorbs pesticide through its thin skin. Strawberry is one of the few things that it's worth it to pay more for the organic label.
ReplyDeleteStrawberries ADDITIONAL FACTS FROM CNN - FEB.13
ReplyDeleteThe color red is known to help stoke the fire: A 2008 study found that men find women sexier if they're wearing red, as opposed to "cool" colors such as blue or green. Strawberries are also an excellent source of folic acid, a B vitamin that helps ward off birth defects in women and, according to a University of California, Berkley study, may be tied to high sperm counts in men. This Valentine's Day, try making dark chocolate-dipped strawberries. And while we're on the subject, there's a reason we give chocolate on Valentine's Day: It's full of libido-boosting methylzanthines. Health.com: Why wearing red may boost your sex appeal