Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Rainy Season (梅雨)

In Japan summer starts with rainy season. Earlier rain takes place sometimes during May, or the latest in early July, but most often it rains a lot during the month of June. I suppose rain is the same everywhere, since it involves drops of water. However, during rainy season it can rain for days.

During this season children usually make a doll called teru teru bozu, which translate to "shiny- shiny Buddhist priest". The dolls can be made of white paper or cloth and they usually are hang by the window or outside as a symbol of children's wish for sunny days.

When i first arrived in Japan and travelled to countryside i saw some teru teru bozu and was rather shocked at first. I thought those dolls are some sort of "ghost symbols" and people were hanging them by the window. Later on i realize that it was part of Japanese culture to use symbols to express feelings, such as during children's day they would decorate the house with Hina dolls, Kabuto or Koi-nobori.

1 comment:

  1. ... and teru teru bozu comes with a song, that children sing along as they decorate the dolls ...
