Thursday, June 11, 2009

Best Time To Be A Bride

This may be quite an embarrasing note, but frankly it was only recently that i found out how the word June Bride came around. The name June came from the Roman myth, June was the name of a Goddess who unite a couple into a marriage. The story telling said that getting married in June will bring happiness to the couple. In the past getting married in June was common in Europe, because in the region where Catholics were the majority, spring was a season for celebration and spring called for a big Easter celebration that took place during March to May. In June people are less busy with their religious commitment, so couples chose this blessed month to get married.

Another reason why some people choose to get married in June is because of weather. In Europe, especially England and France, June has the longest daylight and the least amount of rain.

How about Japan? Spring and autumn are the most popular season to get married. However nowadays there are some women who choose to marry in June, simply because the Japanese society has in many ways adopted the European way of getting married in a white wedding gown, having the ceremony in a chapel, listening to prayers by a priest/pastor - eventhough none of the couple know anything about God or Christ. Eventhough June is in fact rainy season here, some people here still like to import the European style of bonding.

Other Japanese pick the best date to get married by looking at the calendar for "大安" (read: tai-an), which is believed to be the best day for marriage or celebration. Like the Chinese and Koreans, the Japanese also believe that each date carries different luck and 30 days of each month are calculated based on stars, each will fall into one of the 6 various type of lucks. Tai-an is believed to be the luckiest day of the month.

Well.... FYI, i did not get married in spring nor autumn. I think the best time to be a bride is when you find the best groom. It is not really when you got married, "to whom you got married" matters more. I am sure many of you agree on this one.

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