Friday, May 1, 2009

The Golden Week

Every year in early May, Japanese have about a week of public holiday called the Golden week.   The publich holiday itself occurs on April 29th which is the Showa Day, then May 3 which is the Foundation Day, May 4th which is the Green (Environment) Day and May 5th which is the Children Day.   Like this year, when May 3rd public holiday falls on a Sunday, the government added May 6th as a replacement holiday.   In most cases these consecutive public holidays together with a weekend creates just about a week holiday, that way the Japanese get to take longer holiday.  

Most factories and offices closes for a week, usually starting from April 29th to May 4th.   Foreign visitors who visit Japan should avoid this week, unless prior arrangements for hotels and travels have been made earlier on.    The Golden Week period is usually the busiest time of the year for local Japanese.   Some will travel back home to their home town, many of which are located in outskirt villages and for those living in the villages to travel to the city.   Others will travel overseas. Places to avoid during Golden week when you visit Japan are the Express Highway (See Both Photos - normal days vs. golden week), major stations like Tokyo, Shinjuku, Ikebuburo, Ueno, the domestic airport and to some extent international airport.

Other than that, as the name says, it is indeed a "golden" week opportunity for those working people - who rarely have a chance to take holidays, as they can take a holiday with the whole family.   Children's schools are close during the same period allowing them to go with their parents for a holiday.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know what the Golden Week is. Had been troubled so many times in the past due to the Golden Week, as we (in manufacturing) couldn't get spare parts from Japan. :D
