Sunday, March 1, 2009

The New Kind of Hinamatsuri Festival

Hinamatsuri Festivals is coming in just two days.   Japanese girls are excited, parents are busy preparing for children parties, Hinamatsuri food and decoration, and TV programs for children are all talking about the festivals.

This year there is a new trend of Hinamatsuri Festival with the introduction of animal dolls, the popular ones being dogs and cats.   This new trend came around because in recent years dogs and cats have become a very popular pets and having a pet at home has become a boom here.    

The traditional Japanese sweet cakes are still popular however the modern type of Hinamatsuri cakes are coming around.   I wonder if the modern kind of Hinamatsuri products such as Hina-dogs and Hina-cakes appeal to the girls more than the traditional sweet cakes and Hina-dolls.

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    Click above for those interested to purchase various type of hina dolls online. Or copy and paste the following words on

