Wednesday, July 15, 2009

O-chugen (=Gift Giving) Today

The custom of gift giving called "ochugen" in Japan actually originated from China, where it was conducted three times a year, January 15th, July 15th and October 15th. The same custom was brought to Japan, however here ochugen/gift giving is only practised on July 15th. Ochugen itself was related to the practise of remembering those who have passed away. However, the custom evolved to the practise of gift giving to thank those people who have been helpful to you.
Such customs of gift giving are conducted not only between friends, relatives but also between companies with good relationship. Recent data shows a trend of fewer practise of sending gifts between companies.

Ochugen is an important season for department stores and shopping centre to sell their best "packages" and compete for a larger share of profit in the gift giving business.

According to a national survey among 1904 Japanese women (conducted in May 2009), the practise of ochugen is common particularly among those age 50s and 60s, whereas among younger people of 20s - 30s, only one in two adopts such a custom. When asked about who they would send gifts to, sending gifts to parents, in laws, relatives are the three top answers whereas only 17.5% said they send gifts to "husband's boss/supervisor".

First three top answers for type of gifts: coupon/voucher, beer and sweets.

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