Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Metabolic Syndrome in Kids

According to a 2007 research by the Japanese government, about 10-15% of Japanese children (at primary schools and secondary schools) are considered overweight. 

Major reasons for overweight are lifestyle and genetics.   However lifestyle plays a very important role and there are common characteristics of those children with metabolic syndrome:
1. usually do not eat breakfast
2. usually do not like vegetables
3. love meat and oily food (fried foods)
4. do not eat rice a lot but consume other types of carbohydrate such as bread and noodles
5. do not eat so much fish
6. eat fast (not chewing well)
7. do not particularly like sport

There are several ways to check whether or not children has suffered metabolic syndrome.

*Waist size 80 cm or above (Also check, waist size in cm : height - if the ratio is 0.5 or above, the portion should be added to size of weight, thus the total size refers to the max limit).

*Neutral fat content 120mg/dl or above (Also check, HDL cholesterol level if it is within 40mg/dl)

*Blood pressure if it is 125mmHg or above

*Blood sugar level 100mg/dl or above

There are ways to recover from metabolic syndrome.   It is not by limiting the amount of food intake, rather it is to understand the correct amount of food intake necessary for children of that age.

Recommendation by the Health Department here:
1. Understand the measure of correct healthy diet (calories intake and well balanced nutrients)
2. Eat regularly and avoid irregular snacking
3. Eat together with family (supervision and social interactioni will help children emotionally)
4. Avoid fried foods and wherever possible do not use extra sugar, butter or oil and other fatty ingredients to food
5. Eat vegetables and fruits regularly
6. Control the amount of carbohydrate intake, especially bread, rice and noodles
7. Avoid taking artificial sugar or other low calories type sugar
8. When consume yoghurt or margarine, choose a low calories type
9. When thirsty, drink water not soda/juices/other sweetened drink
10. Do not reward children using food
11. Avoid the habit of chewing gum (even those of low calories)
12. Watch calories intake particularly at lunchtime (most likely at school when you can not supervise)

Some of the above methods actually work in adults for remedy to avoid metabolic syndrome.   In adults, other than the above methods,  regular exercise and good hours of sleep also help to improve metabolism.

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