These toys were originally targeted at working people who are stressed out at work (see photos: how the toys resemble an older person typically managerial looking). The products quickly became a hit and the target was widened to younger people. Amazingly cute products for only 420 Yen each!
My daughter begged for one and funny enough she chose a pink pig. No! don't tell me .... but yes, she told be very honestly: "Mommy, i get stressed out too you know, well sometimes... when you told me to do this extra homework while i'd rather play outside with my friends. That is why i get this pig.... hehehe (she smiled) since you were born in pig year... "

.... speechless mommy, rather shocked ....
What a good solution for stress, come to think of it.... if we know the cause, we can handle it better :)
Products are available online @Tokyu Hands Online Shop - but unfortunately only a Japanese site....
PS. Product name spells "Pitamin"... supposedly works like a "Vitamin" ? maybe...