After enjoying a long holiday with family, we are now close to going back to regular routines. It is easier for adult to switch their pattern from holiday to work, however for kids it is less easier. Especially now, we are at the beginning of a new decade, a new year, it is only fair for us to start looking at new goals for ourselves and our children. Have you set your goals/objectives for the coming year?
I just read an article about a SMART way to set our goals (based on one of an English coaching theory), whereby your goals/objectives need to be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-phased. Most of you probably have heard or been aware of how to set goals effectively. These are not new theory, but it is a good reminder, especially when we set goals for others (say, for our kids) to follow.
Specific objectives with clear description of what to do. Measurable objectives showing how well, how much more, in calculation of time/number of times, not just in imaginary words. Achievable objectives with "possible" but challenging items. Impossible or difficult to reach goals can create stress for ourselves and others. For a more realistic goals, we need to specify process and differentiate "dream" from "reality". Time phased means breaking down the goals into certain period, month, quarterly, yearly depending on the circumstances.
With these, i hope to set my new goals in 2010 in a SMART way and get ready for challenges in the new decade :)
Photos (left) - shimekazari, a traditional Japanese new year decoration for doors/entrance (ref. copied from Sanchoku Web), a symbol of purity to begin a new year and an expression of gratitude to God for the coming year
Photos (right) - kadomatsu, a traditional Japanese new year decoration for big buildings, hotels and other large property (ref. copied from Rakuten), a symbol of longevity, prosperity and steadfastness and a welcome gesture to God of harvest. Pine and bamboo are used to express these meanings.